Introduction to MTD ITSA Regulations in the UK

Posted July 18, 2024 in  Company News

MTD (Making Tax Digital) ITSA is a government initiative in the United Kingdom that aims to make it easier for individuals and businesses to manage their taxes.

It requires taxpayers to use digital tools and software to keep track of their financial records and submit tax returns online.

Making Tax Digital

The MTD initiative was first introduced in April 2019, with mandated implementation for VAT-registered businesses. However, the government announced that starting from April 2023, MTD regulations will also be applicable to Income Tax Self-Assessment (ITSA).

April 2026 marks the final phase of MTD implementation, the final declaration where all businesses and individuals will be required to file and submit their tax returns digitally and keep digital records.

What are ITSA regulations?

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Income Tax Self-Assessment (ITSA) is a system used by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) to collect income tax from self-employed individuals, freelancers, and landlords. It requires individuals to report their income and expenses on a Self-Assessment tax return each year.

Submit Returns Digtally

Under the new MTD ITSA regulations, taxpayers will no longer be able to submit paper tax returns.

Instead, they must use compatible software to keep digital records of their income and expenses and submit their tax returns online through HMRC’s online portal.

What Is An Income Tax Self Assessment?

Income Tax Self Assessments are a way for individuals to report their income and expenses to HM Revenue & Customs in order to calculate the amount of income tax they owe. This system was first introduced in 1996 and applies to self-employed individuals, freelancers, landlords, and those who receive other forms of exempt or untaxed income.

Self Assessment

Under the Self Assessment process, taxpayers are responsible for calculating their own tax liability and reporting details of it to HMRC by the given deadline each tax year. This can be done online through HMRC’s website or by filling out a paper tax return.

With the implementation of MTD ITSA regulations, this process will become entirely digital for income tax due, eliminating the need for paper tax returns and encouraging more accurate record-keeping and submission of taxes.

How does it affect businesses and individuals?

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The new MTD ITSA regulations will have a significant impact on how businesses and self-employed individuals manage and pay their taxes in the UK. They will need to invest in compatible software products or hire an accountant who uses such software to comply with the new requirements.

This change also means that individuals will need to keep track of their financial records digitally, making it easier to stay organized and reduce the likelihood of errors on tax returns.

Moreover, with digital tax records, HMRC agents will have access to real-time financial data, allowing them to identify any discrepancies or irregularities quickly. This could potentially lead to fewer tax audits in the future as well.

Who is Affected?

The new MTD ITSA rules and regulations will primarily affect self-employed individuals, business freelancers, and landlords who are subject to Income Tax Self-Assessment.

However, it may also impact small businesses that are not VAT-registered but have taxable property income or taxable turnover above the VAT threshold (currently £85,000).

It is essential for those affected by these regulations to start preparing for the changes now to avoid any last-minute rush or penalties from HMRC.

Steps to Prepare for MTD ITSA Regulations

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To comply with the new regulations and legislation, taxpayers will need to follow these steps:

Check if you are required to comply:

As mentioned earlier, only certain groups of taxpayers are affected by MTD ITSA regulations. Make sure to check if you fall under this category.

Use compatible software:

Taxpayers will need to use digital tools and software that are compatible with HMRC’s systems to keep track of their income, expenses, and tax calculations.

Keep digital records:

All financial records must be kept digitally, including invoices, payments, receipts, bank statements, etc. This can be done using accounting software or spreadsheets.

Submit tax returns online:

Tax returns must be submitted through HMRC’s online portal using the compatible software used to maintain digital records.

Stay up-to-date on changes:

As MTD ITSA regulations are still being developed and implemented, it is essential to stay informed about any updates or changes from HMRC.

Benefits of MTD ITSA regulations

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The implementation of MTD ITSA regulations comes with several benefits for both taxpayers and HMRC. Some of these include:

  • Increased efficiency: By using digital tools and software, taxpayers can save time and effort in managing their taxes. They no longer need to manually record their income and expenses on paper or through spreadsheets.
  • Reduced errors: The use of digital records also minimizes the chances of errors, as the data can be easily verified and corrected before submitting tax returns.
  • Real-time visibility: With digital records, HMRC will have access to real-time financial data, making it easier for them to monitor taxpayers’ compliance and quickly identify any discrepancies or irregularities.

Making Tax Digital Beyond ITSA

The MTD initiative is not just limited to Income Tax Self-Assessment. In the future, it will also be expanded to include other taxes such as Corporation Tax and Capital Gains Tax.

This means that businesses and individuals will need to continue adapting to digital tax regulations as they are implemented for various types of taxes.

MTD is a significant step towards modernizing the UK tax system and making it more efficient, accurate, and transparent. It is essential for taxpayers to prepare for these changes now to avoid any penalties or disruptions in their tax compliance process. By embracing digital tools and software, they can streamline their tax management process and stay on top of their financial records. Overall, MTD ITSA regulations bring many positive changes that will benefit both taxpayers and HMRC in the long run.

How Can Accounted For Help?

Accounted For is a leading accounting and tax firm in the UK that stays up-to-date with all the latest information on changes and updates related to accounting adjustments to MTD ITSA regulations.

Our team of experienced professionals can assist individuals and businesses in complying with these new requirements, ensuring smooth and efficient management of taxes.

We offer customers a range of services, including:

  • Setting up compatible software for digital record-keeping
  • Maintaining accurate digital records on behalf of clients
  • Preparing and submitting tax returns online through HMRC’s portal
  • Providing guidance and support for staying compliant with MTD ITSA regulations

With our help, taxpayers can have peace of mind knowing that their taxes are being managed efficiently and accurately, while also avoiding any penalties for non-compliance.


The new MTD ITSA regulations in the UK are a significant step towards modernizing the tax system and promoting digitalization.

While it may require some adjustments for businesses and individuals initially, it ultimately aims to simplify and streamline the tax process for everyone involved in tax affairs.

So, it is essential for taxpayers to start preparing for these changes well ahead of time to ensure a smooth transition.

Overall, MTD ITSA regulations are a positive move towards a more efficient and transparent tax system in the UK.

So, be sure to stay updated with any further developments, deadlines and requirements related to MTD ITSA regulations to ensure compliance and avoid any penalties. Happy tax filing.